The Iberian pig is the protagonist of a meticulous process that combines tradition, nature and know-how. Its journey, from the pastures to the table, is a reflection of the commitment to quality and authenticity, ensuring an exceptional product that defines Spanish gastronomy.
Farming in the dehesa
El viaje del cerdo ibérico comienza en la dehesa, un ecosistema único donde estos animales se crÃan en libertad. Este entorno privilegiado, caracterizado por encinas y alcornoques, proporciona el alimento clave para su desarrollo: la bellota. Durante la montanera, los cerdos se alimentan de bellotas, pastos y otros recursos naturales, lo que influye directamente en la infiltración de grasa en su carne y en su sabor inconfundible.
Slaughter and artisanal processing
After reaching the optimum weight, the pigs are slaughtered in specialised facilities, guaranteeing maximum respect for tradition and quality standards. Then, the master ham makers subject each piece, whether it is Iberian ham, shoulder or loin, to an artisanal production process that begins with salting. The application of sea salt allows the correct preservation and development of the characteristic aromas of the product.
Curing in drying sheds and cellars
The hams are then dried and matured in natural cellars. In these controlled conditions, time and climate act as allies, favouring the evolution of the Iberian ham until it reaches its optimum curing point. Depending on the quality and feed of the pig, this process can last for several years, resulting in a product of intense flavour and unequalled texture.
Distribution and consumer outreach
Finally, the Iberian ham reaches the table for tasting. Its cutting is an art in itself, carried out with precision to extract the best from each slice. This product, a symbol of Spanish gastronomy, can be enjoyed alone or accompanied by wines and cheeses, always highlighting its quality and tradition.
The journey of the Iberian pig, from the field to the table, is a testimony to the excellence of artisan production and respect for a legacy that continues to conquer palates around the world.